Welcome back to my Beginner’s Guide: Making Your Own Training Videos series. We are moving right along!

The Beginner’s Guide to Making Training Videos gives you everything you need to start creating effective video for learning. It’s full of practical processes, guidance, and advice on how to execute learning videos of all sizes using a repeatable and customizable process. My first two posts covered the first two steps of the process: set a goal and write the script. You’ll want to check those out before you move onto step 3: plan the video.

The goal is set, the script is written, and now it’s time to plan for the actual production of the video. Another word for this is “pre-production.”

Step 3: Plan the Video (Pre-production)

Making a professional learning video must begin with pre-production. A simple google search will yield pages of guidance on how to prepare for a video shoot. However, what I found missing over the years is pre-production guidance that focused solely on the process of creating a video for learning. The purpose of video for learning is to improve knowledge, skills, and behaviors. So let’s get practical! Use this checklist to plan your productions.

  1. Create a project timeline
  2. Assemble your crew
  3. Hold a kick-off meeting
  4. Choose what to wear on camera
  5. Create a shot list
  6. Create a visual storyboard
  7. Source props
  8. Scout locations
  9. Secure legal paperwork
  10. Confirm production equipment

Each of these checklist items might look different for you depending on whether you are DIYing it or leading a larger project.

Create a Project Timeline

A project timeline establishes due dates and milestones so project managers can effectively evaluate progress. It lets everyone know what the project will accomplish, who will do the work and by when it should be completed.  I use a project timeline built-in Google Sheets that contains drop-down menus for each of the project phases. I think of the project timeline as one of the most valuable parts of learning video pre-production. It helps everyone know where we are at any given point in time.

If you are working on the video by yourself, a project timeline can still help you stay on track and keep organized. Review cycles are the most critical element of a project timeline. The review cycle is the period of time it takes for the video project team and the clients to look at a deliverable and provide feedback. If possible, pad your review cycles with an extra day or two. Each project I work on includes internal reviews – including a Quality Assurance (QA) review – and two rounds of client review. Even if you are going the DIY route, I recommend you find a colleague or friend to review your video to offer an objective opinion.

Assemble Your Crew

For bigger productions, hire a camera crew and on-screen talent for the days you are going to record. Once you’ve signed a contract with them, ask them to take part in preparations. If they are true professionals, they will want to be included in as much of the decision making as possible. If you are running the shoot yourself, look for an experienced vendor with a good reputation. At a minimum, include the crew (or head of the crew) on all production planning communications to avoid surprises during production.

If you are working on the video by yourself (shout out to the solo crews out there!), set a date and time for when you will record your video. If you are relying on any friends or colleagues for help with your video, this is the part of the checklist where you will solidify their help.

Hold a Kick-Off Meeting

The kick-off meeting should include the key members of your team all together in-person or on a conference call. The project manager should drive this meeting to make sure everyone is on the same page right from the beginning. If you are using an outside vendor, then they should absolutely be there. Below is a sample agenda of a video project kick-off call.

If you are working solo, you can have a mental kick-off meeting with yourself to review your pre-production tasks as you get yourself ready for recording.

Choose What to Wear on Camera

If you will appear on screen, pick out a choice of a couple of outfits ahead of time. Having everything laid out and ironed will be one less thing to worry about when you record.

For larger productions, reach out to your talent and your project managers to make sure everyone understands the importance of wardrobe, or what to wear on camera. Adhering to a few basic rules will ensure that your production looks professional. In most learning video pre-production situations, the wardrobe is provided by the talent or the company involved. Send an email to the talent and the client with a wardrobe checklist. Follow-up with a phone call to anyone who will be on camera. It’s important to talk this through before the day of recording.

Helpful Link

What to Wear When You Are in a Learning Video

What Should I Wear on Camera in a Learning Video – VIDEO

Create a Shot List

Once you have finalized your script or content storyboard, it’s time to make a shot list. A shot list documents the order in which you plan to record each scene. It is used as a checklist on the day of recording: each shot is numbered, notated by the type of shot and if the camera is moving.

To make your life easier, please download the version I have saved in my own Custom Office Templates in Word: Shot List. I’ve developed some handy dropdown boxes to make it easier to note the type of shot and the type of camera movement. The description detail should be a sort of shorthand based on the storyboard/script blended with your video director’s notes for the camera crew.

If you are working solo, it’s still good to write out every shot you plan to take so you are not overwhelmed trying to remember everything while you’re shooting.

Helpful Link

What’s a shot list and why do you need one for a learning video?

Create a Visual Storyboard

A visual storyboard is a document that contains a series of panels with images in them that depict the changes and actions in each scene. For years, I created these on paper or by using Word documents or Photoshop templates. The Word documents proved to be valuable because I could send it off for others to mark up using tracked changes.

In a DIY situation, you can also use this visual storyboard to plan what images you will want to show on-screen during various parts of the video and what assets you’ll need to collect to insert into the video.

I have found that visual storyboards don’t matter much to training video project managers. Their focus is on the learning content: dialogue, learning objectives, and core subject matter. Most training professionals are not interested in the details of wide shot vs. close-ups or transitions from one scene to the next.

Source Props

While breaking down your script/storyboard, take note of the props you’ll need to execute each scene. The term “break down” means skimming for details that will be important on a video shoot. Ask yourself, “Will I be able to use items at the location or will I need to bring them to the scene?” Even if you are recording in your own space, gather all of the props in a box or in the corner of your office so you have them ready.

Corporate productions make it easier to source props because you typically shoot on location. However, when you show up to scout the locations (the next item on the checklist), have a list of props ready to discuss with your contact at the location. Learning video pre-production requires that you be agile and prepared!

Scout Locations

Physically looking at the location of a video shoot seems like a no-brainer, but it should be done thoroughly and well in advance. Scouting a location will make the day of recording much easier. This is a checklist within the checklist. When recording in your own space, all of this will still apply!

A location scout should include these four things:

  1. Locate power

A fruitful location scout includes locating electrical outlets you can use to power the camera, lights, and review monitor. Maybe your living room is the best location, but the outlet is far away from where the camera will need to be. It’ll be great to know you need an extension cord ahead of time instead of scrambling for one when you’re dressed in your nicely pressed outfit.

  1. Listen carefully

It is also imperative to check audio levels by listening with your camera microphone for unwanted noises like appliances, heat/air conditioning, or traffic. Make sure to do this with the same equipment you plan on using to make the video if you can. Refrigerators and HVACs can be loud!

  1. Ask about interruptions

Ask your contact at the location about the foot traffic of employees or other people at the time you plan to record. This could also mean: come to an agreement with your co-workers/partners/roommates/pets/kids about where they can go (or not go) while you’re trying to record. If necessary, bribery with snacks is always a good tactic.

  1. Photograph the scene

Finally, take photos of potential scenes. Try to find the angles you would like to use for each scene so that the crew has a visual reference to discuss when planning and building them out. When you’re recording by yourself this can seem silly, but it will help you think about camera placement and your performance in advance.

Secure Legal Paperwork

If you are shooting in public or using space at a company’s office, make sure to gather the proper permissions. In a corporate setting, permission may be informal, or it may involve picture identification and confiscation of cell phones to protect intellectual property. Best practice suggests raising the questions: Will we need written permission to record here? If yes, what can we do to make things move smoothly?

Operating with a video crew requires insurance to protect damage to the equipment, location, and any claims of physical injury. If you plan to film in a public location, obtain proof of insurance before you even think about seeking a permit from the city or municipality.

Talent release forms are standard in corporate productions. Use a template like the one below. Modify it so that it fits your organization. Make sure employees and any paid/unpaid talent sign the release forms. This can be a tedious process, but it could save you thousands of dollars in a lawsuit, or extra expenses from having to re-shoot because someone sent a cease and desist letter.

Helpful Link

Do I need a talent release form for a learning video? YES!

The Best Video for Learning Guide to Make Training Videos

Confirm Production Equipment

At this point in the checklist, you should have a firm idea of location, talent, scenes, and dialogue. Take one last look at the shot list, storyboard/script, and location notes. Compare your preparations with the equipment you plan to use to make sure you have what you need to execute your plan. As a DIY production, decide whether you’re going to get a camera or use your phone or webcam, etc. This is also the time when you’ll choose your microphone and any other audio equipment. Ensure that they’re working as you expect them to. If you’re not sure what equipment to use, hang tight. We’ll get into that later.

If you’ve hired a production crew, they will handle this detail with you. Be sure to ask if they have the proper lighting and enough access to their chosen method of power for their equipment. There’s nothing worse than a production coming to a halt because the camera ran out of batteries right before shooting a scene in a location with no outlets!


With the checklist in hand, you will be ready to operate a professional learning video pre-production process. You will be one step closer to delivering on the promise of learning video: to improve knowledge, skills, and behaviors. Using the checklist will ensure that pre-production targets the needs of a learning production and not the focus of marketing and advertising. Once you’ve crossed off every item on the pre-production checklist, it’s time to actually make the video! It’s a good idea to keep extra copies of all of the documentation you made during this stage and have it in hand on your recording days.

Stay tuned for the next installment, Step 4: Make Your Video.


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