Making an effective instructional video that delivers on the promise of learning video requires that you follow a process. This post delivers the Best Steps You Need To Make Your Own Video Process. I want you to find your own process so that you deliver on the promise of learning video, which is to improve the knowledge, skills, and behaviors of your learning audience. Let me be clear, these are the best steps you need to make your own videos but you don’t need to follow them all. You need to create your own process that helps you meet the business purpose! Read the steps and the annotations to help you decide what your process should be!

Refresh Your Memory

This post refers to the last milestone of my Video For Learning (VFL) program. If you want to review or are just joining me, I previously covered steps 1-7 of the Making Your Own Training Videos process. Each step contains a series of sub-steps and checklists, all organized for you to easily follow along as you make your own learning videos.

Step 1: Set Your VFL Goal
Step 2: Write the Script
Step 3: Plan the Video
Step 4: Make the Video
Step 5: Edit the Video
Step 6: Distribute the Video
Step 7: Evaluate the Video

Do you want to learn how to make your own videos from me? Check out: What is the VFL course – Video for Learning? I’d love to talk to you about joining an upcoming cohort. Email me:

The Best Steps You Need To Make Your Own Video Process

If you are making your own video process, I assume you have made at least one video following the processes I’ve laid out in the seven milestones of the VFL program.

In the VFL course, I ask my scholars to use the “My Video Process Template” to find their own process.

My Video Process Template

In the VFL program, you get to know the milestones one or two at a time each week. You learn, practice, and improve. When you reach the end, your task is to review the content from each module (slides, checklists, guides, your experiences). Then create your process by answering the questions in each section of the template.

Here are all of the steps with annotated links if you need to learn more about a particular step.

1. Embrace the VFL Way

    • Done is better than perfect
    • Meaning is more important than visual quality
    • Follow the process

The VFL way is a mindset that will help you make a video by focusing on getting it done over making it perfect. Since you are making instructional videos, it’s so much more important to focus on the meaning over the visuals. And, you need a process to make effective videos! Winging it is only good with bleu cheese and celery!

How to Start Making Your Own Videos – VIDEO
What is the VFL course – Video for Learning?

Set your goal

2. Understand your business purpose

3. Refer to your learning strategy or design document

4. Write your KSB goal

5. Write your objectives to help you reach your goal

6. Use the Learning Video Rubric, to begin with the end in mind

7. Choose your type of video

Helpful links for setting your goal 

Use This 15-step Learning Strategy To Plan Evergreen Online Training
Step 1: Set Your VFL Goal
The Best Video for Learning Guide to Make Training Videos
The Video for Learning Fundamentals
The 6 Types of Video for Learning
VIDEO: The Promise of Learning Video
VIDEO: The Phases of Video Production for Learning
Is it a Goal or an Objective? A Simple Explanation for Training

Write the script

8. Master the scriptwriter’s mindset

9. Learn storyboardese

10. Research your topic

11. Build-in two review cycles

12. Use a matrix to discover realistic dialogue

13. Use a three-column script template

14. Start with a storytelling formula or script template

15. Try dictation to speed up drafting

16. Draft concisely

17. Write actor and screen direction, and production notes

18. Follow the two-minute rule

19. Use 135 wpm as a guide

20. Revise with a table read out loud

21. Edit to omit needless words

22. Publish to a reviewing audience

Helpful links for writing your script 

Part 1: Scriptwriting for Learning
Part 2: The Writing Process for Learning Videos
Part 3: 4 Must-Have Skills for Writing Scripts for Learning
Part 4: 5 Best Practices as a Learning Video Scriptwriter
Part 5: 3 Learning Video Storytelling Formulas
Part 6: The Mindset for Writing Learning Videos
Shhh! Scriptwriter’s Secret: Use these Formulas to Write your Training Video Scripts – VIDEO
Two of the Best Training Video Formulas

Plan the video

23. Use the 12–step planning checklist

24. Review the training needs

25. Create a project timeline

26. Create a visual storyboard

27. Create a shot list

28. Decide the day and time to record

29. Gather props and clothing

30. Scout the locations

31. Assemble camera, audio, and lights

32. Notify cast & crew – if applicable

33. Secure legal paperwork

34. Design your review cycle

35. Choose what to wear on camera

Helpful links for Planning your video

Step 3: Plan the Video – Making Your Own Training Videos
Use This 15-step Learning Strategy To Plan Evergreen Online Training
A Beginner’s Guide: Training Toolkit

Make your video

36. Use a project folder template

37. Copy your template folder structure

38. Paste it into your project folder

39. Rename the template folder

40. Delete any folders you don’t need

41. Put your script in the ID folder>script

42. Save your recorded video clips to the Source folder

Make CLASSY content


43. Use finger frames to find your scene

44. X marks the spot

45. Stand in – OR – use a plant on a stool

46. Tape the floor

47. Record and review


48. Key Light – sun or brightest

49. Fill Light – or bounce

50. Back or Hair Light

51. Adjust the “T” on the floor


52. Use a good microphone

53. Control the environment

54. Record and review

55. Do multiple takes – get it right


56. Have props ready

57. Break the frame

58. Avoid clutter

Start recording

59. Check battery and storage

60. Press record & Perform

61. Review and Improve:

    • Good audio levels

    • Performance


Helpful links for making your video

How to Record Professional Learning Videos: The Ultimate Checklist
The Camera Gear You Need 
My 15-Step Checklist I Use to Make Weekly Videos
Make the Video – Step 4 – Guide
The Computer Gear You Need 
The Lighting Gear You Need
The Audio Gear You Need
How to Perform on Camera
How to Gain Confidence on Camera
How to Gain Confidence on Camera – VIDEO

Edit the video

Make PEACHY edits


62. Launch your editing software

63. Create a new project

64. Review the purpose of the video

65. Create or import your bins/folders

66. Import video clips

67. Log and sort

68. Review your script


69. Make a selects sequence OR

70. Create a rough cut (sequence)

71. Trim out wasted time


72. B-roll

73. Graphics

74. Music

75. Effects

76. Subtitles


77. Review and revise

78. Normalize audio


79. Fine-tune color correct

80. Choose your export settings

81. Review the exported file

82. Make changes if needed


83. I’ve earned the Power of YES

84. Now I Practice, Practice, Practice = Good


Helpful links for editing your video

10 Things You Need to Know About Editing Video
How to Use Vimeo Review to Improve Your Learning Video
Step 5: Edit the Video – Making Your Own Training Videos
How to Edit Learning Video: The Ultimate Checklist
10 Steps You Need To Edit Learning Video
5 Pro-tips You Need to Edit Learning Video
10 Best Ways to Edit Video like a Professional
The Proven 15-step Checklist To Easily Make Weekly Videos
VIDEO tutorial: How to set up and future proof your video editing project folder
How to set up and future proof your video editing project


Distribute the video

85. Use a distribution prep sheet

86. Identify how you will share videos for review

87. Review the purpose of your video

88. Follow your review cycle process

    • Share tracked changes in Word templates

    • Use Review 360 to process course reviews

    • Use Vimeo Review to improve videos

89. Send an internal review email

90. Incorporate internal review feedback

91. Use a content review cycle: develop-review-edit

92. Obtain sign-off

93. Create subtitles

94. Notify everyone of the timeline

95. Prep for each upload location

96. Archive and backup

97. Add to training/marketing calendar

98. Start the update clock

99. Set a date to review the video

100. Create a reminder in your training calendar to review data


Helpful links for distributing your video

Step 6: Distribute the Video – Making Your Own Training Videos
10 Important Steps After You Finish A Live Training Video
4 More Proven Things You Need To Make Effective Training
We Need “Learning” Video Production Skills
How to Use Vimeo Review to Improve Your Learning Video
Who is the Consolidator? – VIDEO
How to Ask for Feedback in 5 Easy Steps
Use 5 Proven Things to Share your Learning Video
How to Use Vimeo Review to Improve Your Learning Video
How to Use Review Pages  – VIDEO

Evaluate the video

101. Use the Learning Video Rubric

102. Activate your evaluation plan

    • Course

    • Video

103. Revise your process


Helpful links for evaluating your video

Step 7: Evaluate the Video – Making Your Own Training Videos
How to Evaluate Learning Videos with a Rubric
Evaluative Quizzes – 5 of 12 Learning in the Flow of Work Elements – VIDEO


My video process

104. Review the process and update it with detail so you can follow it the next time you make a video for learning.


Helpful links for making your own process

Step 8: “MY” Video Process – Making Your Own Training Videos



The Best Steps You Need To Make Your Own Video Process will guide from concept to final deliverable, no matter what kind of learning videos you create. The more videos you make, the more you’ll be able to hone your personal set of checklists and processes. Make sure you document them for future videos. Before you know it, you’ll be making videos as easily as you write emails! Use the hundred-plus steps listed above to make your own process. Then, go make some KSB videos that help people learn things!



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