I’m opening a portal for you! Come inside and see the process I use to make a video by yourself. I’m on a mission to help people learn how to make videos for learning purposes. To help you deliver on the promise of learning video, I’m offering transparency in this post. Improving the knowledge, skills, and behaviors requires a method or process.

Let’s get to it!

The Situation

I’m helping a local group make a video. In unmasked times, where national leadership is present, I would have gone on location. I would have coached, directed, and produced each person’s part on camera. Friends and family are sick, and the thought of making a video in-person is less than essential (like buying chocolate and wine).

Here’s how I handled the situation remotely.

I had a zoom call to discuss the process with the leadership. We discussed the script and ironed out the phrasing and the end goal.

Next, I sent the following “How to Shoot Your Part” guide:

“How to Shoot Your Part” guide:

  1. Find your background
    1. It should be free of clutter,
    2. Quiet and free from interruptions,
    3. Well lit – light on your face (use a lamp if need be).
  2. Set up your camera (selfie mode on phone or webcam) 
    1. If using a phone, make sure it’s landscape-oriented– 16 x 9.
    2. Center yourself in the camera.
    3. Set it up at eye level or just above eye level. 
    4. Try to stand if possible. 
  3. Use light so that your face is fully lit up but not too bright. 
  4. Rehearse your part before recording.
  5. Dress in comfortable clothes [suitable to the project]. 
  6. Take a drink of water – keep a glass or bottle nearby to keep your whistle wet 
  7. Press record and do the following: 
    1. State and spell your name
    2. Clap – smile – and then start talking from the heart don’t read 
      1. Try to rehearse your part so you sound on point
      2. Be brief 
    3. Look right into the lens. 
    4. Gesture naturally as you speak.
    5. Smile with your eyes and your mouth.
    6. Breathe as you talk.
  8. Review your take
    1. Play it back – listen for a clear and loud voice
    2. Watch your eyes – do you look into the camera enough? 
    3. Do you sound natural? 
  9. Record these exact lines: 
    1. [insert lines needed for the edit]
  10. Record another take (repeats steps 7 & 8). 
  11. Upload your takes to the [link to folder location].

In the next post, I’ll share how I coached the on-camera actors and used video conferencing to direct the performances. Ultimately, you have to practice, get comfortable, practice some more, and then make sure your audio and lighting are professional.

Helpful Links

How to light a learning video like a professional!
The lighting gear you need to make learning videos
How To Perform On Camera – A Learning Video Checklist
What to Wear When You Are in a Learning Video

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