Answering the question, Why do you need the language of video? Join Chris Karel, Uncle Wiki, and Fact Guy as they explain why you need to learn the language of video.


This video was edited in Premiere Pro and subtitled using Premiere.


Hi! I’m Chris Karel from the Learning Carton! I’m on a mission to help YOU make better learning videos. And I’m here to help you use those videos to create better learning experiences.

Why do you need the language of video?

Why do you need the language of video? Great question I’d really like to tell you.
Video is ubiquitous! Ding, ding!

Ubiquitous, an adjective meaning present, appearing, or found everywhere.


Thanks, Uncle Wiki, video is everywhere.

It’s in our homes, our stores, our airports, public spaces, and even in our pockets.

It’s a communication medium that almost everyone consumes daily, whether passively or actively.

You know, you’re doing it right now.

According to Cisco, 82% of all internet traffic in the year 2022will be video.


Thanks, Fact Guy.

So why do you? Business owner, instructional designer, teacher, or maker of corporate training… Why do you need the language of video?

Your job, or should I say our job, is to use the most common communication methods to improve the knowledge, skills, and behaviors?

How do we do that with video?

We make learning videos also called training videos.

You need to make the six types of videos.

If you want your learners to learn.

Prove me wrong!


Helpful Links

The 6 Types of Video for Learning

A Beginner’s Guide: Making Your Own Training Videos

The Best Video for Learning Guide to Make Training Videos

A Beginner’s Guide: Training Toolkit

A Beginner’s Guide: Communities of Practice


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