A community of practice Is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something and learn how to do it better by regularly interacting with each other online or in person. You can be in one by joining on your own or by being assigned.
Our very existence depends on better ways of learning, so let’s get to the who?
This video was edited in Premiere and subtitled using the free version of Kapwing.
Hi! I’m Chris Karel from the Learning Carton! I’m on a mission to help YOU make better learning videos. And I’m here to help you use those videos to create better learning experiences.
Who can be in a CoP?
Hi, I’m Chris Karel from the Learning Carton and I want to talk to you about Participation in a Community of Practice. It can be informal or formal.
In other words, you can join one on your own or be assigned to one through school or work.
You may be in one right now and not realize it.
If you interact with people around a common purpose, support and encourage each other, share challenges and solutions, and ultimately keep returning to that group — then, you are probably in a CoP.
This doesn’t mean you have to work with someone. For example
“The Impressionists, for instance, used to meet in cafes and studios to discuss the style of painting they were inventing together.
These interactions were essential to making them a community of practice even though they often painted alone.” Thank you Wenger-Trayner.
Think about your social communities are they “of practice” or are they for fun and interest?
I want you to share your examples of communities of practice in the comments down below.
We need to start a dialogue around C-o-Ps, how we are creating them, how we are using them.
Go ahead and like and follow for more videos for learning.
For now and forever
Helpful Links
A Beginner’s Guide: Communities of Practice
4 Proven Things You Need To Make Effective Training
The Best Video for Learning Guide to Make Training Videos