xAPI is an e-learning software specification that allows learning content and learning systems to speak to each other in a manner that records and tracks data from all types of learning experiences (wiki). Similar to the SCORM language that allows computer-based training, CBT, to communicate with databases called Learning Management Systems, xAPI allows communication to happen with way more sources than just a CBT course.

This video was edited in Premiere and subtitled using the free version of Kapwing.


Hi! I’m Chris Karel from the Learning Carton! I’m on a mission to help YOU make better learning videos. And I’m here to help you use those videos to create better learning experiences.

What is xAPI?

What is xAPI?

[static break-in – sci-fi ambient]

xAPI: Can you hear me? Can you hear me? It’s me

Hi, I’m Chris Karel from the Learning Carton. To define xAPI let’s hear from a heavily-caffeinated Uncle Wiki.

[cut to Wiki setting down espresso cup]

Uncle Wiki: [fast) Thank you! xAPI is an e-learning software specification that allows learning content and learning systems to speak to each other in a manner that records and tracks data from all types of learning experiences.”

Thank you, Uncle Wiki.

xAPI is a broader communication language than SCORM –

[cut to Dude] “LIKE A MONSTERRRR!”

No, not the monster! But the language that allows an online course to communicate with an LMS.

xAPI is broader because it helps learning data be collected and stored from a lot of different places – unlike SCORM

Dude: humph

…not a monster, which is limited to the LMS.

xAPI: Chris? [taps screen] It’s me xAPI I’ve got the JSON data for you on Dr. Arroway’s learning over the past three months.

[to fictional producer] James? James? Can you help me out? What the hell is going on here?

James the fake producer: Uh, some kind of technical glitch?

xAPI: [looks to side] Looks like he’s had some kind of memory loss again. Chris, my name is xAPI I’m on a mission that YOU sent me on to retrieve data from multiple sources about Dr. Arroway. She is one of your client’s learners. You designed a learning experience for her organization and you are using me, xAPI, to track her progress as it relates to the organization’s learning goals.

[Chris cartoon blinks x3] huh?

Dude, this is scarier than SCORM.

[Dude gives double thumbs up]

[Chris shakes off feeling]

So there you have it! I guess. xAPI is like a wormhole traveler that works for me, the learning designer, to help me keep track of my client’s learning experiences from a bunch of different places.

So tell me, Do you use xAPI? Do you fully understand how to get the most out of it?

Comment down below.

Until next time. From all worlds around and this one…



Helpful Links

What is SCORM? It’s not a monster – VIDEO

A Beginner’s Guide: Training Toolkit

A Beginner’s Guide: Communities of Practice

4 Proven Things You Need To Make Effective Training

The Best Video for Learning Guide to Make Training Videos

Use This 15-step Learning Strategy To Plan Evergreen Online Training


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