What is an instructional designer? All I wanted to do was help kids learn how to live their best life! ? Back then I was a teacher! All I wanna do now is help people make learning experiences that improve knowledge, skills, and behaviors. Today that makes me an instructional designer. What is that? A passive language synonym for teacher??? Hmmm. Umb. Uncle ATD helps us out.

Yes, thank you! An Instructional Designer or ID applies a systematic methodology rooted instructional theories and models to design and develop content, experiences, or other solutions to support the acquisition of new knowledge and skills.

They use a needs assessment to to to to to to to ….they use a needs assessment to determine what the learners already know and can do, to decide what the learner should know, and be able to do as a result of the learning and training solution.

They are then responsible for (skimming) ? making the training or learning event!!!

Thanks, uncle ATD. So here’s a recap I used to be a teacher and now I’m an Instructional Designer. In both cases, the purpose is to create learning experiences for the audience. To be good at either role you have to care about the people involved! Synonyms! What do you think of the term Instructional Designer? Comment down below…Connect with me on LinkedIn and until next time I say ☮️


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