In a world where everyone suddenly has to use online learning—these are the phases of video production for learning!

Hi, I’m Chris Karel and I’m on a mission to help you create a great video for learning purposes.

Typically when we think of video production we think of three stages: pre-production, production, and post-production; however, if you’re going to make pro learning video there are two more things you need!

What’s missing you ask? The book ends I like to call them: design at the beginning and distribution at the end. hey —

So design is all about figuring out the best way to create the content for your learning audience. That requires you to do a needs analysis and develop objectives that we can measure using some type of evaluation method to see if they’ve learned what you’re trying to teach them —using the video content. Once you have your design ready then you’re ready to go ahead and do the pre-the pro and the post which is the actual making of the video.

Once you have the video ready you’re ready for the final bookend which is distribution. Distribution means you’re going to either load the video into an e-learning course or you’re going to go ahead and put it onto the LMS —learning management system or the CMS a content management system. And share it with your learning audience. This is the best place to put your content so that you can evaluate whether or not your learners are actually learning.

If you learn the five phases of learning video production you can make pro learning video that delivers on the promise of learning video —-which is to improve knowledge, skills, and behaviors.

So tell me do you use all five phases of learning video production when you make a Learning video? Comment down below and for videos like this or to see my weekly blog that comes out every Tuesday head on over to Learning Carton and subscribe. And cut! (Weirdness).


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