It’s time to explore the final 4 elements of a Learning in the Flow of Work Program. Prior to this post, I introduced the concept of learning in the flow of work and how it’s usually more effective than traditional “one and done” training techniques. If you missed the first eight elements, check out the links below.
The first four elements:
- Mobile-first software application
- Video-heavy instruction
- Microlearning design
- Interactive activities
Elements five through eight:
- Social learning community
- Knowledge checks with immediate feedback
- Evaluative quizzes
- Gamified awareness
The final 4 elements I’ll be covering in this post are:
- Scenario-based learning
- Performance support
- Access to experts who interact
- Detailed metrics
9. Scenario-based learning
Scenario-based learning is interactive, customizable training, and creates an engaging learning environment. This approach is widely used in online training in which learners interact with realistic work challenges using an active and direct feedback approach. You can create these scenarios in a way that allows people to relate closely to the most relevant experience-oriented learning to their jobs. Here’s how you can make it: set up the situation, ask the learner a question, give them a choice, and then coach them on the correct way to act.
Why should you use scenario-based learning? In today’s highly competitive business environment, it is essential for training leaders to provide high-quality critical thinking skills. However, many trainers are unable to customize plain old content to address all business needs. Enter scenario-based learning. Combined with the other learning in the flow of work elements, you can help your people to improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. What’s the end result? You will connect learning to the business purpose by showing people how to use their knowledge and skills to improve specific behaviors that will result in a better workplace.
10. Performance support
Performance support tools (also known as PST) are learning aids that help provide answers exactly when your learners need them. Think about the times when your people are doing a job and need to refer to a list of product specs. If you can provide a digital reference or a handout that is “at hand” while work is being completed, then you are providing performance support.
Remember, performance support does not replace formal learning or eLearning. However, there is a trend toward performance support yielding better results especially when it comes to retained learning.
Check out this fun video explanation of PSTs!
11. Access to experts who interact
Experts who interact with the learners are a key element that truly supports learning in the flow of work. You can accomplish this strategy by building a system or process where you grant access to those in the know. For example, internal communication platforms like Slack or LearnMap may be the perfect place to post questions and get answers. Think about how many times you wished you could “ask an expert” while you were doing something new. In the home repair world, we google how to fix things. This is a perfect example of “ask and expert.” In the workplace it’s up to us, the instructional designers, to create an environment that fosters communication between learner and expert.
Dr. Carol Dweck, Associate Professor of Education at the University of Washington and author of the Growth Mindset, researched the skill gaps created by a lack of expert interaction. Her findings suggest that expert interaction will benefit the learner greatly. Not only will the learner gain more insight, but the training and development department will learn how to sharpen their formal learning to accommodate the skill gaps.
Finally, you should create a way for your experts to interact with people who will benefit from their knowledge.
12. Detailed metrics
Detailed metrics will help you understand if you are delivering on the promise of your training strategy. By developing the proper metrics, you will have data that can measure if your learning in the flow of work program is delivering or if it is falling short. Metrics may be the most important of the final 4 elements as it informs your practice.
In the world of enterprise application, training metrics have emerged as one of the most effective ways to measure program success. While most companies are already using training metrics in determining the success of employees in training and certification programs, some companies have yet to get used to how these tools can actually help them enhance their training strategies. Today, many eLearning companies use performance-based training metrics as a way of evaluating training programs and choosing the most effective ones. If you want to take advantage of performance-based metrics when training your employees, here are some of the things that you need to know.
Metrics for a learning in the flow of work program are performance-based so they have the ability to tell you about what’s happening with your employee’s performance and in knowing how the training is doing. Detailed metrics will tell you whether or not a particular course is useful in improving employees’ skills and ability, whether the course is being utilized, and if the content was able to retain the attention and participation of participants. Since training KPI (key performance indicators are linked to company goals and objectives, having these data can be very helpful in showing you the areas where you can improve in your company.
Now we’ve talked about the final 4 elements we have covered all the essential elements of an effective learning in the flow of work program. Most recently, we’ve discussed the final four. Coming in at number thirteen is scenario-based learning. Scenario-based learning is a great way to elevate and beef up your training program to help your employees master the specific behaviors and skills they need for their job. Performance support works right alongside scenario-based learning to give your people what they need. Job aids and resources they can use while on the job can go a long way in improving productivity and accuracy of work. In addition to these two elements, you can’t forget to provide a way for learners to interact with experts as they tackle the challenges of daily work. Finally, detailed metrics will let you know what content is working, how your people are doing, and if your learning in the flow of work program is helping the business achieve its goals.
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