Start pre-productions by reviewing THE TRAINING OR LEARNING NEEDS

Before you spend valuable time and money preparing for your shoot, review the needs of the organization again. Pre-production is the perfect time to make sure everyone is on board with the video approach. You can use this moment to show everyone why creating this video will be the best way to instruct people on the topic(s) at hand. As you plan, ensure that the video is designed to reinforce the learning strategy and design document. If you don’t have a learning strategy and design document at this point, get one!


Read about all 12 items on the Ultimate Pre-Production Checklist.


Brian, you have those scripts right?


The ones you wrote with the Scriptwriter’s mindset?


We need more video! Video is what everyone is doing! We need it so bad.

We’re all stuck in our homes. Uhhhh – just make the videos Brian.


By Friday!

Chris: Hold up wait a minute! Before you press record you need some pre-production.

Specifically, you need a checklist so you’re not just throwing spaghetti at the wall.

This checklist will help you achieve KSB, the promise of learning video, which is to improve the knowledge, skills, and behaviors of the viewer.

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Look over your needs analysis and make sure everyone is on board with the video approach.

As you plan, ensure that the video is designed to reinforce the learning strategy and design document. Don’t know what those are? You better find out.

Take time on a conference call or at an in-person meeting to review the overall goals of the learning program with your team.

If you do not plan to engage the learner before, during, and after the videos, then you are throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Do you follow a system for pre-production? Or do you throw spaghetti?
Comment down below. Connect with me on Linked in

Until next time,



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