The Power of Professional Voice Talent in Narrating eLearning Courses

The Power of Professional Voice Talent in Narrating eLearning Courses

Are you looking to create engaging and effective eLearning courses? One crucial element that often gets overlooked is the narration. The voice that guides learners through the content can greatly impact their overall experience and comprehension. In this video, you’ll see how easy it can be to work with pro talent. Let’s dive into the session and explore why it makes a significant difference.

The Setup

The video opens with an enthusiastic video producer (me, Chris Karel), eagerly awaiting the recording session with the talented voice acting artist, Erica Brookhyser. They exchange greetings and confirm the purpose of the session: recording a tagline for the online course, Video For Learning. I emphasize that I’m seeking three different variations to evaluate which one sounds best.

The Recording Process

Erica, the voice talent, takes control of the situation, ready to showcase her skills. She confirms having the script and assures the consultant that she will provide the desired variations. I grant her creative freedom to determine the nuances in each read, emphasizing my intention to review the recordings together later.

With confidence, Erica announces that she is rolling and begins the recording. However, she acknowledges a small mishap and reiterates her readiness to start. She proceeds to deliver the tagline, “Video for learning. Done is better than perfect,” three times, each with a slightly different delivery style.

The Evaluation

After the recording, both the Erica and I listen back to the three variations. I express a preference for the beginning of the first read, appreciating its particular quality. Additionally, I suggest incorporating the ending of the second and third reads to create a desired composite.

Erica swiftly cues the specific sections for review, facilitating the decision-making process. Together, they settle on using the second half of the third read, effectively combining the strengths of each recording.

The Final Result

Once the composite is complete, Erica shares the final recording with the consultant. Delighted with the outcome, the consultant expresses satisfaction and requests the export for integration into the eLearning course.

The Benefits of Professional Voice Talent

This video showcases the tremendous value of utilizing professional voice talent for narrating eLearning courses. Here are some reasons why it’s the best approach:

  1. Expertise in Voice Acting: Professional voice actors like Erica possess the skills and training to bring scripts to life. They have a deep understanding of pacing, tone, and inflection, ensuring a captivating delivery that engages learners.
  2. Variety and Versatility: With their experience, professional voice talents can offer a range of interpretations for a single script. This flexibility allows for tailored performances that match the tone and objectives of the course.
  3. Quality and Consistency: Professional voice actors deliver consistent performances with impeccable audio quality. Their dedicated recording setup and professional-grade equipment ensure a polished result, free from distractions or technical issues.
  4. Efficient Collaboration: By involving a professional voice talent, consultants and course creators can focus on their expertise while entrusting the narration to an expert. This collaboration enhances the overall quality of the eLearning course.
  5. Enhanced Learning Experience: A well-narrated eLearning course elevates the learner’s experience, making it easier to comprehend and retain information. A professional voice talent brings a level of professionalism, credibility, and engagement that captivates learners and keeps them motivated.


When it comes to eLearning, every detail counts, and the narration plays a crucial role in delivering a memorable and impactful learning experience. As demonstrated in this video, utilizing professional voice talent like Erica can significantly enhance the quality of your eLearning courses AND most importantly its an easy feat to accomplish using the methods outlined above. The voice actors expertise, versatility, and ability to captivate learners make them invaluable assets in the world of online education. So, if you’re looking to create outstanding eLearning courses that leave a lasting impression, investing in professional voice talent is undoubtedly the way to go. By leveraging the expertise and skills of voice acting artists like Erica, you can elevate your courses to new heights.

Ready to take your eLearning courses to the next level? Partner with professional voice talent and witness the transformation in the impact and success of your educational content. Visit to learn more about how friggin’ awesome she is and how you can hire her to voice act for you or sing opera! Say what! Oh yeah, she does that too!

Remember, when it comes to eLearning narration, done with a professional touch is truly better than perfect.

Do you want to learn how to make your own videos like a pro?

Contact me today if you want to learn more about how to make your own or look for the link down below to sign up for the online course. And I can’t wait to help you on your journey.

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Video Transcript

Hey, Erica. How you doing today?

Hey, good. Thanks.

So I’m really looking forward to this session today. You’re going to record a tagline for me like we talked about in the email. Is that correct?

Yeah, that’s right.

Right on. So you have the script, and I’m just going to let you sort of take it away. I’m looking for three different reads on this. You decide kind of how to vary them for me, and then we’ll listen back and see what sounds best. How does that work?

That sounds great. All right. Well, here we go. I will push Record… rolling. Oops. Rolling. And here’s take one video for learning. Done is better than perfect. Video for learning. Done is better than perfect. Video for learning. Done is better than perfect.

Awesome. So here, hear those back then.

There we go. I think this was our first one right here. Video for Learning Done is better than perfect. Video for learning. Done is better than perfect. Video for learning. Done is better than perfect. Do you have any preferences on that? So it markers in here?

Yeah. So I like the beginning of the first one, I think.

Mm hmm.

And. And then let’s hear the end of the last. The second and the third one.

Okay. This is the end of take two. Done is better than perfect.

The second half of take three. Done is better than perfect.

Yeah. Let’s use the second half of take three with that video for learning out of the gate and ready.

There we go. So here’s our comp. That’s marker for on our screen video for learning done is better than perfect Perfectly. Are you happy with that one?

Yeah. No, that sounds great. So can you export and send it over to me so we can use it in the piece?

Yeah, I would love to. Thank you so much for the session.

All right. Thanks, Erica.

Bye bye.

Helpful Links

What is the VFL Way? – Video For Learning
KSB and The 6 Types of Video for Learning
The 6 Types of Video for Learning
How to Evaluate Learning Videos with a Rubric
A Video Expert’s Opinion: Is MrFixitDIY’s Electrical Repair Tutorial Worth Your Time?
REVIEW: Is it a Good How-to Training Video? – VIDEO


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