A Beginner’s Guide: Training Toolkit

A Beginner’s Guide: Training Toolkit

This guide is for anyone interested in learning about the training toolkit. When I first started helping organizations make online learning courses, I met training managers and subject matter experts who were on various levels of sophistication within their...
12 Things You Might Not Know About Me

12 Things You Might Not Know About Me

If you ever met Chris Karel, me, on Linkedin, then you are familiar with my bio infused with Star Wars, storytelling, and a love of education. In this post, we go deeper inside the “Learning Carton” to get to know me on a personal – if not a bit quirky –...

What’s a Learning Stack? – VIDEO

A learning stack is a group of mostly apps used to help a school or business deliver learning to their people. Our very existence depends on better ways of learning, so let’s get to the who? This video was edited in Premiere and subtitled using the free version...
What type of learning video creator are you?

What type of learning video creator are you?

Almost everyone makes videos today. You might be making live videos on Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams; OR making videos for your employees to teach them how to do something, OR maybe you even make videos for your family or your Tik Tok audience. Video has...

Who can be in a Community of Practice? – VIDEO

A community of practice Is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something and learn how to do it better by regularly interacting with each other online or in person. You can be in one by joining on your own or by being assigned. Our very existence...

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