Mobile-first means you designed your learning experiences for a phone. Mobile-friendly means you designed your training for PC deployment, but it can be shared on mobile devices.

Watch the video as Chris Karel explains the difference between mobile-first and mobile-friendly.

This video was edited in Premiere Pro and subtitled using the free version of Kapwing.


Hi! I’m Chris Karel from the Learning Carton! I’m on a mission to help YOU make better learning videos. And I’m here to help you use those videos to create better learning experiences.

Is Your Training Mobile-first or is it Mobile-friendly?

Is it mobile-first or is it mobile-friendly?

Hi, I’m Chris Karel from the Learning Carton.

You may have heard the terms mobile-first and mobile-friendly.

Mobile-first means that you have designed the training or learning experience for use on a mobile device, first!

It means your visual design like video size, font size, and UX design spaces were made for your mobile device.

This is the present and future of training and learning.

Mobile-friendly means your training and learning will work on a mobile device but it wasn’t designed for it.

So things are typically too small, navigation is not intuitive, and the experience isn’t always friendly.

Mobile-first is the way we should be thinking about deploying learning in the flow of work.

So, tell me. How do you create mobile-first learning for your people?

Comment down below

And until next time…



Helpful Links

The 6 Types of Video for Learning

A Beginner’s Guide: Making Your Own Training Videos

The Best Video for Learning Guide to Make Training Videos

A Beginner’s Guide: Training Toolkit

A Beginner’s Guide: Communities of Practice


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