In this post, Chris offers a short microlesson, How to Start Making Your Own Videos, from the Video for Learning course.

If you know someone who may be interested in taking the Video for Learning course, please connect me to them so I can speak with them personally.
Here’s a couple of links to learn more:

How to gain confidence on camera in two steps.

Hey, how do you start making your own videos?

A lot of people tell me they don’t even know where to start.

“I’m uncomfortable on camera.”

“I’m not exactly sure what to do, Chris.”

“How do I get started?”

It starts between the ears.

It starts with a three-part mindset that I call the VFL Way or the video for learning mindset, and that begins by embodying “done is better than perfect.”

And the third part is a process, that’s the most complicated.

It takes practice, but you start with done is better than perfect.

Make it, delete it, make it, delete it, and you’ll get better.

Second, worry about what the meaning is.

Your instructional video, your training video, your learning video
needs to be about what’s inside there.

That needs to be solid and people need that information. If they need it, visual quality won’t matter.

And then the process, starting at step one and ending with step seven and following a linear process; full of checklists, templates, and formulas will get you great videos every single time.

You can do it.

If you need a place to jumpstart, I’m launching my first live course next Wednesday, starting at 7:00 p.m. ET.

and I’d love to have you involved in that course.

It’ll help you with the accountability, process, and learning the VFL way to make your own learning videos.

Hit me up if you want to learn more.


And until next time…



Helpful Links

The 6 Types of Video for Learning

A Beginner’s Guide: Making Your Own Training Videos

The Best Video for Learning Guide to Make Training Videos


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