In this post, Chris offers a short microlesson, How to Gain Confidence on Camera the Video, from the Video for Learning course.

If you know someone who may be interested in taking the course, please connect me to them so I can connect with them personally.
Here’s a couple of links to learn more:

How to gain confidence on camera in two steps.

Hey, what’s up?

Chris Karel here from the Video for Learning course with a quick two-step approach
on how to get more confident on camera.

Step 1: Done is better than perfect. I’ll say it one more time.

Done is better than perfect.

Write it down on Post-it notes. Put it on your fridge. Put it on your computer. Put it by your bedside table. Put it in your car. Put it everywhere and memorize it.

Believe it and live it.


I’ve made so many content marketing videos over the years and adopting a done
is better than perfect mantra allows you to create content and get it in front of people.

Learning videos are no different.

At some point in time, you have to just own that the purpose and the content is better than any little minor flaws.

Step 2: Record selfie videos.

The simple process will help you practice making videos with your face on camera so that you can improve your ability to come through the screen and be authentic, believable, and engaging.

Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open your phone’s selfie video camera.

Step 2: Hold it up in front of your face.

Step 3: Press record

And step 4: say the following into the camera

Hey, there. I’m Chris Karel, and I’m here to tell you about selfie intro videos.

The key is to keep making and deleting the ones you don’t like.

Now you try it.

I encourage you to try making six of these at one time and then keep only the one you like.

And if you’re feeling up to it? Send me a link and I will give you some feedback
and tell you how things are going.

Thanks for watching.


You have to make video to get good at video!

I’m Chris Karel from the Video for Learning course, and you can do it.



Helpful Links

The 6 Types of Video for Learning

A Beginner’s Guide: Making Your Own Training Videos

The Best Video for Learning Guide to Make Training Videos


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