If you want to gain confidence on camera so that you can make your own instructional or training videos…then this post is for you!

Done is better than perfect!

So, how did I become confident on camera? As a child, I was terribly shy. I made my mom ask for things at an age where I should have been communicating regularly with other people. Fear of talking in front of people would make me sweat and turn my stomach. I used to enter rooms filled with people and be so anxious that I would do anything I could to avoid talking to anybody. And, when it came to putting my own likeness on camera I was so filled with fear that I would make sure to be the first one to make fun of myself to deflect from my insecurity.

How to Gain Confidence on Camera

Now that I’ve made hundreds of videos featuring my own face, I want to share my journey to help those of you who struggle with the confidence to be on camera. I want to empower you to end the entry-level conundrum of confidence.

What the what is the “entry-level conundrum of confidence?”

The entry-level conundrum is that you need the experience to get a job, but you need to have a job to get experience. Gaining confidence on camera is similar. In order to be confident on camera, you need to be on camera to demonstrate that you are confident.

Step 1: Believe that Done is Better than Perfect

Done is better than perfect! Start by writing this mantra down on post-it notes and hanging it on your mirror and in your workspace and anywhere else you frequent.

Next, start with your phone’s selfie camera or practice in the mirror.

Record selfie videos of yourself and watch them back.
Practice in the mirror

The best way to gain confidence on camera is to practice. The only way to get better at something is to do something. If you adopt a “done is better than perfect” mantra you will gain confidence, period! You’ll get used to seeing and hearing yourself and maybe even find parts about your on-camera appearances that you DO like. Two years of content marketing videos is my proof!

Personal note: Done is better than perfect means that you’ve completed the video you’re trying to create instead of tearing yourself apart until you can no longer make that video or ANY video. I’ve been there. I’ve found hundreds of different distractions to avoid being “done” with a video. I’ve deleted hundreds if not thousands of imperfect videos. It’s part of the process. Done is better than perfect!

Now, take action, my friend. I want you to try it!

Step 2a: Record Selfie Videos

Try it: Selfie Intro Video

  1. Open your phone’s selfie video camera.
  2. Hold it up in front of your face.
  3. Press record.
  4. Say into the camera:

“Hey there, I’m [insert your name], I’m here to tell you about making selfie videos. The key is to keep making them and deleting the ones you don’t like.”

Challenge: Make 6 Selfie Intro videos. Delete all of the versions you don’t like and keep the best one. DM me your version of this video on LinkedIn, Tik Tok, or Instagram. I’d love to see them and I’ll give you one tip on how to make it better!

Did you do it? If you answered yes, then skip the next exercise and jump to this post’s summary. If you answered no, I got you.

Here’s my Selfie Intro Video, because I walk the walk y’all!

Selfie Intro Video for Gaining Confidence on Camera

If you want to join me on TikTok – here’s the link to this challenge on TikTok

Step 2b: Practice in the Mirror

Here’s another Try it – Challenge without a camera.

Try it: Real talk – Mirror edition

1. Dress in a way that makes you feel good about being seen in public.

2. Stand in front of the mirror.

3. Turn a shoulder toward the mirror.

4. Start looking away from the mirror, and turn your head toward the mirror.

5. Greet yourself and start talking:

Hello, thanks for joining me today. Did you know that I’m confident and damn, don’t I look good today.

6. Repeat step 4.

7. Greet yourself and start talking:

Hi again. I’m so glad you are here! I can’t wait to see how confident you are in the mirror next week! I know that Done is better than perfect.

Challenge: Every day you get ready for work, or school, or heading out with friends and family, do the Real talk – Mirror edition “Try it – Challenge”.

Do this for five days in a row, and then DM me how you felt different on the fifth day compared to the first. Message me on LinkedIn, Tik Tok, or Instagram, or email me: chris@learningcarton.com –  I can’t wait to hear how you did!


Jumpstart your Video Language Skills

Introducing the Video for Learning Course! – VIDEO

I teach a live course that holds you accountable, gives you deadlines, and offers you a proven process that you will customize and own in the end. Check out the Video For Learning Course Overview to learn more or contact me directly if you want to sign up for an upcoming cohort – chris@learningcarton.com


Gaining confidence on camera starts with self-empowerment. I want to empower you to end the entry-level conundrum of confidence. In order to be confident on camera, you need to be on camera to demonstrate that you are confident. The best way to gain confidence on camera is to practice in front of a mirror or with selfie videos on your phone. “Done is better than perfect,” means you’ve completed the video you’re trying to create. I’ve found hundreds of different distractions to avoid being “done” with a video. The key is to keep making them and deleting the ones you don’t like. I’m on a mission to help people like you make better instructional or training videos.



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