As the sun rises today, I’m content and reflective. I smile and think about how grateful I am for you, the reader! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Chris Karel, from the Learning Carton and I’ve been on a mission to teach people how to use video for learning purposes.

This post is not about KSB, toolkits, or learning strategy.

No, this post is all about you and a little bit about me.

Over the past year, I’ve shared my wacky character takes on learning concepts and you engaged.
I offered serious takes on serious topics and you engaged.

But the comments that show up and show out: well, those are the things I’m thankful for today.
See, my father was a teacher. I learned about the power of community and love of family from the example he laid before me. My mother showed me what grace looks like and taught me that love is unconditional and not something you switch off.

I share my lens this Thanksgiving week, so you know how grateful I am to be a part of the learning community.

I appreciate the engaging words that challenge my assertions and the one-off comments that encourage me to keep posting!

I’m also grateful for my awesome clients, the folks that put their trust in me to deliver learning strategy and learning resources for their organizations– to help improve their knowledge, skills, and behavior.

And I am also humbled to work with such super people like Andrea, Elijah, Brandan, Bridget, Chris, Patti, Deanna, Diane, Dawn, Susan, Danielle, Dan, Leslie, Kevin, Aaron, Gustavo, Paul, Mike, Nathan, Levi, Tom, Matt, Kathy D, Jennifer, Alex, Jackie, Alisa, Tyler, Kelly, Hannah, Nicole, Ande, Katrina, Sophie, Kathy, Will, Mary, Cheryl, Brad, Howard, and Jeffrey.

Special shout out to my 10,000 small business cohort. To the leaders of the program, I humbly say thank you for seeing something in me to grant me access to the program. My view of business is forever changed! To my growth group (Genesis) and those of you who’ve made me smile and inspired me to seek the change I need, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Special shout out to FreChic and Kamron who graciously took a headshot for me AND saved my laptop from doom!

You are awesome at what you do and I am thankful for each of you and the role you play in Learning Carton’s development!

Thanks for being awesome! I’m stoked to have you on my journey.

Feel free to comment down below with a note of thanks–something you’re grateful for– and share it with our community!

Have a wonderful holiday season!

Peace ☮️


Helpful Links

How to Record Professional Learning Videos: The Ultimate Checklist

5 Steps to Record Learning Video like a Professional

Video Pre-production for eLearning: The Ultimate Guide

How to Complete eLearning Video Pre-Production


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