When Roy Kent told Rebecca, “Don’t you dare settle for fine (training)!” I was moved. This struck me personally, so much so, that a dear friend bought me a mug with the phrase on it.
This week, in writing about the differences between training and development I realized Roy Kent’s wisdom applies to training too.
We should not be OK with fine.
LIve PowerPoint webinars that bore people, or Slide Deck after Slide Deck that people have to read!
Come on! Don’t you dare settle for “fine”!
We can do better!
Let’s make learning!
Here’s What You Need to Identify Your Training Needs – VIDEO
So this week.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the differences between training and development, and it reminded me of a favorite show of mine that I haven’t seen in a while, but a scene that led to that mug that was just on screen here.”
And in this scene, our character tells the female character to not settle for fine.
Don’t you dare settle for fine!
There’s a choice word or two in there that isn’t appropriate here in this video. However, it made me think how often we do this in the corporate training world that we settle for fine.
We don’t have enough time.
We don’t have enough budget.
Or at least we think we don’t have enough budget.
And so we create training.
The people can’t stand.
This is training where people are forced to read for an hour or maybe they’re forced to come to a live training where somebody talks at them, talks at them, not with them about what they need to learn.
And this is settling for fine.
Now, I’m certainly not the Roy Kent of corporate training, although there’s a little bit of him in me, that’s for sure.
But I ask you this if you had the opportunity to create learning for your people so that you can train them how to improve knowledge, skills, and behaviors, and you can help develop those folks in your organization that will become managers and leaders one day.
If you could do that in a way that there was learning happening and that folks had the ability to create learning for themselves, would you do it?
Or would you settle for fine?