Are Videos The Best Way To Learn?

Are Videos The Best Way To Learn?

Are Videos The Best Way To Learn? As a video training expert, I so, so, so wish I could say, “Yes, videos are the best way to learn!” Though true, videos can be an excellent tool for training, as they allow for visual and auditory learning, and can be easily accessed...
Are you ready to make your own? – VIDEO

Are you ready to make your own? – VIDEO

Are you ready to make your own training or learning videos? Make Your Own Are you looking to create engaging and effective learning videos? Let’s be real. Okay. My name is Chris Karel and I was a teacher before, and then I became a video producer, a video...
What is a Learning Video?

What is a Learning Video?

What is a learning video? As a video expert, I have seen the power of video training first-hand and how it can transform the way organizations approach employee training and development. But what exactly is a learning video? A learning video is a type of video content...