Access to the experts is an excellent learning in the flow of work technique to support your people before, during, or after formal training.
This video was edited in Premiere Pro and subtitled using Zubtitle.
Hi! I’m Chris Karel from the Learning Carton! I’m on a mission to help YOU make better learning videos. And I’m here to help you use those videos to create better learning experiences.
Performance Support Tools – 8 of 12 Learning in the Flow of Work Elements
Cook time.
CHRIS – (at the oven with the item on a pan to be put in the oven, looking confused like in an infomercial)
I forgot what temperature to cook this on. Well, I guess it’s time to access an expert.
(opens the microwave)
Hey Chris
Hey Chef. What temperature am I supposed to cook this ball and this flake on?
ANDREA (chef hat)
It’s 375 and don’t forget to rotate it halfway through the cook time.
Thanks, chef!
(Shoves the item in the oven)
ANDREA (takes off chef hat dramatically)
When we go searching for answers, sometimes Google falls short, and we need a more personal connection to help us grasp the KSB. Sometimes you need a human who has been there, done that, who can explain things so much better than flat text on a screen. Having access to experts is like being able to phone a friend in the flow of work.
(to camera)
Well said, Andrea! Everybody needs somebody some time and giving access to the experts in the flow of work gives them the help they need when they need it, while they’re working.
So tell me, how do you support your people before, during, or after formal training efforts?
And what do you do to give your people access to the experts?
Comment down below. And until next time?
(lmao beat box)
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