What’s “hawt” in eLearning? It may seem a bit oxymoronic to call anything in eLearning “hawt” but it does make it “funner”! This VIDEO quickly offers you a top five listicle of “hawt topix” in eLearning. If you are still confused, “hawt” = hot!

This is a parody and it’s hawt!

What’s trendy or “hawt” depends on what you do in the Learning and Development space. This is not a highly vetted list! Based on a quick recall conversation with several instructional designers and the video bias of the author, we, or shall I say I, have arrived at five Hawt Topix in eLearning. Let’s jump in with video-based learning!

If you prefer to read more, here’s a link to the blog post: 5 Hawt Topix in eLearning

5 Hawt Topix in eLearning


Video-based learning is so hawt, it’s convenient, and it gives learners autonomy and engages your multisensory meat computer. Video is soooo hawt!

Microlearning is hawt because it’s like small bite-sized chunks. Chris calls them knowledge nuggets. It’s really important for people to learn with, like micro chunks, like knowledge nuggets,
because people are @!#?@!. I mean, they lose like 90% of what they learn. So micro means small, duh. So Microlearning is hawt!

Well, let’s talk about mobile learning, right? Like, mobile’s like a boomer way of saying, like a mobile phone. Like a “celly” man… And it’s like a phone not plugged into a wall.
Like mobile learning or m learning. Mobile learning is hawt!

Social media learning. Social media learning is like. It means like social like. With people like. So that’s really hawt!

VR. VR is super hawt right now. We are like a Discord channel and a Twitch stream away from Ready Player One. Do you have your haptic gloves? If you don’t know what I mean, then, like, maybe VR is not for you. Maybe it’s too hawt for you.
It’s meta confusing.

I hope you like this hawt list of e-learning topix.

This is meant to be a parody!


What’s “hawt” in eLearning? Video or video-based learning is the hawtest of them all. Microlearning is bite-sized, chunks of training or instruction that are less than 10 minutes in length. Mobile learning (also called mLearning) means you are using your celly to learn and most people spend a lot of time on their “phones” these days! Social media learning lets you try out ideas, share opinions, and get immediate feedback. Finally, virtual reality training gives employees the chance to gain on-the-job training in a risk-free environment. What you think is “hawt” depends on your job. We are not buying spring clothes here, we are creating learning, and hawt topix in eLearning was a catchy way for this learning-nerd-author to have fun talking about it.




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