Chris Karel

Passionate digital storyteller on a mission to help people learn how to do things with writing and video. 

My Story

Ever since I used a popcorn bucket to defend the galaxy against the dark side of the Force, I’ve been obsessed with visual storytelling. Cartoons, sitcoms, dramas, and even commercials brought me joy. Then I found interactive storytelling. I used joysticks and direction pads to discover plot twists and adrenaline-fueled battles. Movies, TV, and video games, I couldn’t get enough, but my heart was drawn to the lifestyle of the teacher.

I wanted to learn the ways of my father.

I chose education over communications and earned my way to Master Teacher. Leading teams of teachers, parents, and of course padawans, I furthered my quest. I learned that many of the “truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” My POV changed. Returning to the ways of the Jedi, I chose to embody the adage: “Do or do not, there is no try.”

I became a Digital Storyteller. Writing, producing, shooting, and editing, I found my Road Back. After sharpening my skills to a position of leadership, it was time to leap.

Today, my passion is finding ways to help people learn how to use video for learning purposes. Story is the Force. I use Story to improve knowledge, teach skills, affect behavior, and occasionally entertain.

Send an email to and we can add to each other’s quest.

Chris Karel